Filza file manager

Filza install 

Filza ipa install 

filza for JB 


filza tutorial for jb


tutorial pubg HAK

pubg hak

filza pubg code last update 1.7 version

For new code go to

note :- dont enter the codes on your personal account theres a ban-nnd

Offset global version 

Aimbot 1
Offset 024E3C18
Byte 00F0271E 0008201E C0035FD6

Aimbot 2
Offset 024E3DD4
Byte 00F0271E 0008201E C0035FD6

small crosshair
Offset 027F0F9C
Byte E003271E

weapon stability
Offset 027F09A4
Byte C0035FD6

camera stabilization
Offset. 0488A60C
Byte. C0035FD6

Scoop stability ruler
Offset. 026D16C4
Byte. E003271E

shooting speed
Offset. 02F3F6F8
Byte. 0990241E

fast creep
offsets: 026ACCD8
bytes: 2108211E

hide herb
Offset. 04288440
Byte. C0035FD6
Offstat Korean version 

korean version offset
Aimbot 1
Offset 0266AE90
Byte 00F0271E 0008201E C0035FD6

Aimbot 2
Offset 0266B04C
Byte 00F0271E 0008201E C0035FD6

small crosshair
Offset 02978214
Byte E003271E

weapon stability
Offset 02977C1C
Byte C0035FD6

camera stabilization
Offset. 04A11884
Byte. C0035FD6

Scoop stability ruler
Offset. 0285893C
Byte. E003271E

shooting speed
Offset. 030C6970
Byte. 0990241E

fast creep
offsets: 02833F50
bytes: 2108211E

hide herb
Offset. 0440F6B8
Byte. C0035FD6


Aimbot 1
Offset 02669EBC
Byte 08F0271E

Aimbot 2
Offset. 0240DB48
Byte. 08F0271E

No Recoil
Offset 0285893C
Byte E003271E
Stable Gun
Offset 02977C1C
Byte C0035FD6

Small cross
‌Offset 02978214
‌Byte E003271E

No Grass
‌Offset. 0440F6B8
Byte. C0035FD6

No Fog
Offset. 03F6AC30
Byte. C0035FD6

Red player 🔴
Offset. 04B2F744
Byte. 00F0271E

White player ⚪️
Offset 04B2F6D4
Byte 0849B852